Environmental Biotechnology
Online EB edition > 2014 Volume 1 > Article


Methanogenic potential of biomass from roadside verges preserved with various additives
Cezary Purwin, Barbara Pysera, Maja Fijałkowska, Krzysztof Lipiński

Pages: 18-22

DOI: 10.14799/ebms227

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The aim of the present research was to evaluate the chemical composition and storage capacities, as well as the efficiency and composition of biogas from biomass collected from roadside verges. The biomass was collected in July and October and then preserved in microsilos (10L) with and without formic acid, bacterial inoculant, bacterial‑enzymatic preparation, enzymatic preparation. After 180 days of storage, biomass samples were analyzed for chemical composition, organic dry matter (ODM) losses and biogas and methane yield (Oxi‑Top Control). Biomass from the summer period had a higher (p<0.01) content of dry matter, neutral detergent fiber, hemicellulose and cellulose and a lower (p<0.01) content of ether extract and acid detergent fiber. Loss of organic matter during preservation and biomass storage without additives was higher in the material from the summer period. However, when compared with the autumn period, summer biomass stored without additives had a higher methane production potential (288 vs. 215 LN CH4∙kg-1 ODM). The additive which most effectively reduced the loss of organic matter was formic acid. However, the most beneficial for biogas efficiency and methane were the bacterial‑enzymatic preparation (summer harvest) and addition of formic acid (autumn harvest). Methane efficiency equaled 314 and 299 LN∙kg-1 ODM, and its concentration in biogas amounted to 60.4 and 59.4% for summer and autumn biomass, respectively. The results indicated the possibility of storing and using biomass from roadside verges as a source of biogas. The primary aim of using added preservatives was to reduce the loss of organic matter during biomass storage as well as to improve the efficiency of methanogenesis.


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